Alright, busting through the rest of the bulk, I'm putting together packages that consist of about 300 Assorted Commons and Uncommons, 30-ish rares (I'll figure out the real number later, but it'll be either the same or higher), paper mats (while supplies last?), and dice.
For new players, this is a great way to get physical cards in hand to start building decks with or getting the makings of some decks to round out with singles or trades! I won't be "sorting" or harboring requests here - just going to make sure that you get a great assortment to work with!
Every one of these orders will come with a Grab Bag as well for some extra spice and a chance to add something really awesome to your new collection!
Bulk Collection Starter Packages
Add $10 for shipping in the US. International orders will be negotiated as I get rates.
All orders can be combined with others to reduce shipping costs.